Thank you to everyone who made our Yarrow School Reunion a HUGE success!!!

Saturday Night Banquet
Photograph Courtesy of Henry Loewen
Saturday Afternoon: Farewell to the Old School

Kirk Savage, Principal

Symbolic School Cake
Some Class Pictures

1955 Grade Nine Graduating Class

1956 Grade Nine Graduating Class
Jenny Corenblum (Warkentin), John Giesbrecht, John Janzen, Victor Froese, John Regehr.
Lynn Spenst (Kornelson), Agnes Penner (Kroeker), Betty Klassen (Toews), Vera Heinrichs (Toews).
1957 Grade Nine Graduating Class

1958 Grade Nine Graduating Class
1959 Grade Nine Graduating Class
1960 Grade Nine Graduating Class
Mel Martens, Cary Esau, Elmer Wiens, Rob Giesbrecht, Bob Reimer, Dave Klassen
Eleanor Friesen, Rita Petkau, Margaret Regehr, Edith Dahl

1961 Grade Nine Graduating Class

1962 Grade Nine Graduating Class
Chuck Regehr, Vic Giesbrecht, Stan Harder, Rudy Dahl, Henry Elzer
Irene Ratzlaff, Luetta Wiens, Wolfgang Scholz
1963 Grade Nine Graduating Class
Banquet Program

Anthem: Edith Ratzlaff, piano

Flute Solo: Gerry Klassen

Sing-a-long: Elsie Giesbrecht (Bergmann)

Tribute: John Kroeker

Erma Wiebe and Chuck Regehr

Hulda Fast (Reimer) and Chuck Regehr

Jack and Mary Ketler

John Giesbrecht, Chuck Regehr, Reid Weight, Peggy Hiebert (Martens), Bonnie Giesbrecht

Reappraisal of the Pirates of Penzance
Above Photographs Courtesy of Stan Harder
Sunday Morning: Yarrow MB Church

History of the Yarrow School: Power Point Presentation: Elmer Wiens
Photograph Courtesy of Mavis Fast

Irene Reimer

Bob Reimer
Photographs Courtesy of Mavis Fast
Poetry from the Yarrow School Reunion Program
It's wonderful to see you once again!
The Yarrow Elementary School has occupied the same building for six decades. In September 1953, it moved to Wilson Road North from the schoolyard in downtown Yarrow. Until 1966, it also included the Yarrow Junior High School. A new school building is now under construction.
To celebrate the Yarrow School's accomplishments in education, a reunion will be held on Saturday, June 25th, 2011. Former and current students, parents, and teachers are invited to attend and participate.
Events at the Yarrow School, Saturday, June 25th:
11:00am to 3:00pm: School Open House. Check out the classrooms, hallways, basement, and gym. Reacquaint yourself with former teachers, students, and parents.
Coffee available in the main hallway. Videos and photo display in the gym. Cake cutting plus opening ceremony at 1:00pm.
11:00am to 3:00pm: BBQ on the School Grounds. Featuring sales of hotdogs, soft drinks, and chips.
Lunch Special: Hot dog, drink, bag of chips — $5.00.
6:00pm to 10:00pm: Catered Banquet in the School Gymnasium. After dinner events with Chuck Regehr — Master of Ceremonies: live entertainment (selections from the Pirates of Penzance and Yoemen of the Guard, a flute solo by Gerry Klassen, sing-a-long with Elsie Giesbrecht, a solo by John Kroeker), interviews of former teachers, and great door prizes.
Super Buffet Supper: Roast Beef, Chicken Cordon Blue, Sweet and Sour Ribs, Caesar Salad, Assorted Desserts, etc.
Banquet Tickets: $50 per person / $100 per couple (banquet tickets only).
Other Events:
Friday Evening, 7:00pm to 10:00pm, June 24th: Community social gathering at the Yarrow School hosted by the Yarrow United Mennonite Church. Members of the community of Yarrow are welcome.
Meet and Greet: Coffee, tea, and finger food. Please note change in venue.
Sunday Morning, June 26th: Free Breakfast (8:00am to 10:30am) followed by a Church Service (10:30am) at the Yarrow MB Church.
Spiritual Challenge: Don Klassen
Musical Presentation: Irene Funk (Reimer)
Power Point: History of Yarrow's Schools: Elmer Wiens
Comfort Inn, Chilliwack-Sardis / Best Western, Rainbow Country Inn, Chilliwack / Ramada Inn, Abbotsford. A block of rooms will be reserved for people registering for one or two nights, June 24th and June 25th. Mention the "Yarrow School Reunion" when registering.
Comfort Inn, 45405 Luckakuck Way, Chilliwack: special "LCHWK" rate of $95.00 per room set for the Yarrow School Reunion: 604 858-0636 and 800 4CHOICE,
Best Western Rainbow Country Inn in Chilliwack: Ashleigh Veenstra toll free 1 800 665 1030 or 604-795-3828 ext 320
Ramada in Abbotsford: Christine Lane toll free 1 888 411 1070 or 604-870-6162
We expect a good turnout, based on the ad hoc responses so far. Please reply with the form provided as soon as possible! To better plan our reunion, we need to know how many people will attend each of the events.
Seating at the banquet is limited, and will be on a first pay basis. We need to confirm the number of diners expected at the banquet caters by May 31st.
Please mail the completed form, and the cheque for the banquet made payable to "Hank Kroeker" to:
Attn: Yarrow School Reunion,
Yarrow Community School,
4605 Wilson Road,
Chilliwack B.C., V2R 5C4.
Please include a stamped self-addressed envelope to receive the banquet tickets by return mail. Don't forget to fill in the year you attended (or would have attended) grade six at the Yarrow (Community) Elementary School. We will try to seat people at the banquet by class. If you include your email address, we will update you on changes to events.
We would appreciate receiving pictures of you, your spouse and family. Either mail your pictures along with your cheque and filled-in form to the school at the address above, or email the pictures as attachments to: Please identify the people in your photographs. Photographs will be displayed on bulletin boards, and possibly will appear in a video / power point presentation.
For more information please contact:
Hilda Bergen: Vic Giesbrecht:
Hank Kroeker: Elmer Wiens:
Edith (Dahl) Ratzlaff: Charlotte (Tilitzky) Nickel:
Johnny Reimer: Esther (Epp) Harder:
Kirk Savage:
Back: Elmer Wiens, Johnny Reimer, Vic Giesbrecht
Front: Charlotte (Tilitzky) Nickel, Hank Kroeker, Edith Ratzlaff, Esther Epp Harder
Check this Web Page for Reunion Updates!
Yarrow Community (Elementary and Junior High) School Reunion
I/We plan to attend the Yarrow School Reunion on Saturday, June 25th, 2011.
Enclosed is my cheque for: $ ______________ dollars
for: _______ banquet tickets @ $50 each
Name(s): _______________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
Telephone: ______________________________________________
Email : _____________________________________________________
I attended grade six during the school year: _____________
I/We also plan to attend the following events (X):
School Open House __________
BBQ on the School Grounds __________ (# attending)
Social gathering at the Yarrow Community Hall
Night of June 24th _________
Church Service / MB Church Breakfast June 26th _________
I anticipate registering for a hotel room:
Best Western Rainbow Country Inn:
Night of June 24th _________ Night of June 25th __________
Ramada Inn on Whatcom Rd.:
Night of June 24th _________ Night of June 25th __________
Make your cheque for the banquet payable to "Hank Kroeker" and mail this completed form along with a stamped self addressed envelope to:
Attn: Yarrow School Reunion,
Yarrow Community School,
4605 Wilson Road,
Chilliwack B.C., V2R V2R 5C4.
Yarrow School Alumni Registered To-Date |
Vic and Bonnie Giesbrecht | Elmer Wiens and Pat Gillis | Heinz and Edith Ratzlaff (Dahl) |
Hank Kroeker | John and Elsie Giesbrecht (Bergmann) | Walter and Luella Teichgrab (Martens) |
John and Mavis Fast | Irvin and Helen Wiens | Michael and Alice Gro (Penner) |
Agnes Penner (Kroeker) | Lynn Spenst (Kornelson) | Hilda Bartel -- BBQ only |
Hank and Mary Peters | Gerry and Diane Klaassen | Violet Higginson (Sheremeto) |
Ralph and Shirley Giesbrecht | Alfred and Devra Funk | Stan and Nancy Harder |
Dave and Anne Nightingale | Henry and Elsie Penner | Rob and Shirley Giesbrecht |
Alvin and Esther Harder (Epp) | Alice Wedel | Rudy Janzen and guest |
Elmer and Betty Penner (Fast) | Katie Arnold (Janzen) | Katie Fast (Kornelson) |
Peter and Wendy Dobell (Weger) | Connie Welch (Hendricks) | Philip and Heidi Giesbrecht |
David Dyck | Rudi and Louise Thoma (Doerfling) | John and Alvina Reimer |
Charlotte Nickel (Tilitzky) | Bill and Vi Dyble (Schellenberg) | Heather Dow (Hendricks) |
Peter Loewen | John Kroeker | Kay Kroeker |
Elsie Leonotwich (Kroeker) | Pete and Erna Froese | Alvin and Elsie Wiens (Kliewer) |
Mary Dyck | Sue Shantz (Loewen) | Hank and Hilda Friesen |
Cathy Penner (Giesbrecht) | Elizabeth Hladun | Jerry and Luetta Priebe (Wiens) |
Elizabeth Froese (Neudorf) | Val and Pat Janzen | Dan and Doris Dunbar (Friesen) |
Henry Loewen | Norma Younie (Thiessen) | Ed and Elaine Klassen |
Peter and Erica Brodie | John and Lenora Goudy | Peter and Jane Andres |
Bonnie Coutu (Menges) | Don and Joanne Dyck (Friesen) | Herb and Helen Thiessen (Wiens) |
Crystal DeJager | Erma Wiebe | Bob and Rita Reimer |
Hank and Joyce Regehr | Tim and Eleanore Martens (Friesen) | Peter and Betty Balzer (Friesen) |
Chuck Regehr | Ken and Marge Friesen (Regehr) | Ward Weger and guest |
John Teichroeb | Ed and Rose Fleming | Aldon and Betty Loeppky (Dyck) |
Lynne Schmidt (Ratzlaff) | Vic Ratzlaff | Florence Ross (Nightingale) |
Ann Wiebe (Klassen) | Earl and Barbara Miller | Peggy Hiebert (Martens) |
Betty Snell and guest | Harold, Claudia and Mary Froese | Lila Kurz |
Walter Martens | Edith Knox | Ethel Knox |
Bob Peters | Joanne Todd (Schellenberg) | Bob and Pauline Harms (Guenther) |
Jake and Anne Dyck (Rempel) | Dave Klassen | John Regehr |
Susie Derksen (Giesbrecht) | Ed Derksen | Bert and Vera Heinrichs (Toews) |
Henry Janzen | Jenny Corenblum | Anita Wahl (Penner) |
Charon Ridsdale | Betty Klassen | Alex and Lillian Rogalsky (Martens) |
Reed and Brita Weight | Jack Ketler | Hank and Sheila Froese |
Henry Elzer | Bob and Irene Funk (Reimer) | Annegret Nickel (Hoffert) |
David Wall | Dave and Shirley Fast (Jantzen) | Viola Cass (Loewen) |
Dorothy Lindhout | Calvin and Eleanor Lutz -- teacher | Betty Bratt (Derksen) |
Alana Nordstrand (Kurz) | Karl Kurz | Isaac and Veronica Thiessen (Barkowsky) |
Jim and Dayle Thiessen | Wolfgang Scholz | Frieda Fast |
Rudy Dahl | Mel Martens and Doreen Landry | Victor and Sandra Froese -- teacher |
Wilf Derksen | Sara Naples (Schellenberg) | Hank and Maggie Martens |
EJ (Al) Klaassen | Bill Borowski | Frank and Pat Spenst |
Jake and Phyliss Epp | Ed and Marlene Penner (Rempel) | Eileen Burke (Kurz) |
Mike and Violet Eason (Hiller) | Ray and Pat Coad (Dennill) | Frank and Lorna Dyck (Froese) |
Debbie McMahon (Loewen) | John and Elfrieda Klassen (Reimer) | George and Diane Giesbrecht |
Len and Marilyn Wiens | Garry and Maureen Wall | Gord and Bonny Koehn |
Betty Voth (Krause) | Helen Thiessen | Hilda Bergen (Wiens) |
John and Ellie Guenther (Derksen) | Kathi Morrison (Sabolowich) | Ulrike Johnston (Friesen) |
Vera Epp (Spenst) | Madison Bussy (Susie Spenst) | Len Neufeld |
Jake and Helen Konrad | Frank and Nancy Dyck | George and Anne Heinrichs |
Hilda Dahl | Peter Heinrichs | Jim and Carol Stobbe (Koehn) |
| | |
Hank Kroeker, Elmer Wiens, Vic Giesbrecht, Edith Ratzlaff, Charlotte (Tilitzky) Nickel, Mary Froese