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Yarrow, British Columbia

Edited by
Esther Epp Harder, Edwin Lenzmann, and Elmer Wiens

Yarrow Mennonite Brethren Church
Wednesday Evening Programs, &
Yarrow Boys' Club

Yarrow Boys' Club — Eckert Road

Yarrow Boys Club - Anna and Alex Voth
Anna and Alex Voth with Ernie — 1950
Zur freundlichen Erinnerung an die Arbeit der unsterblichen Seelen bei Geschwister
Alex Voths gewidmet von Anna u. Alex Voths.

Anna and Alex Voth hosted the Yarrow Boys' Club on their Eckert Road property, in the renovated chicken barn and in the basement of their house. Boys from all over Yarrow joined their Eckert Road cousins and friends for these evening meetings. While these sessions were orientated toward acquiring skills in growing up as Christians, the boys also looked forward to these social gatherings to spend an evening with younger and older comrades.

Yarrow Boys Club
Yarrow Boys' Club, 1950 — Left: Mr and Mrs Voth, and Right: Mr Lenzmann
Lieber Bruder Herman Lenzmann zum andenken an diese Arbeit die du gethan.
Gruessend, Anna u. Alex Voths

Yarrow Boys Club
Yarrow Boys' Club — Voth's Renovated Chicken Barn and Vedder Mountain in the Background
Frohe Weihnachten und ein gesegnetes neues Jahr wuenschen euch
Anna u. Alex Voths

Mr. Voth died in 1953, and for two or three years Ed Neufeld and John Neufeld kept the Yarrow Boys' Club going until it was replaced by the Wednesday night meetings in the basement (east side) of the Bible School building.

Prayer: To Will One Thing


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