Yarrow, British Columbia
Edited by Esther Epp Harder, Edwin Lenzmann, and Elmer Wiens
Chilliwack High School, 1903 - 1949 Compiled and Written by Agatha Klassen
Chilliwack High School 1900 - 1935 | Chilliwack High School 1936 - 1949
Education in Chilliwack: Historical Perspectives
Agatha Klassen Chilliwack Senior High School Librarian, 1969 - 1985 |
Agatha Klassen was born in South Russia. In 1924, her family immigrated to Hepburn, Saskatchewan, later moving to Coaldale, Alberta. When she was 18 years old, her family relocated to Yarrow, B.C. After completing High School, she attended the University of British Columbia, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in 1962, and a Bachelor of Library Science in 1963. Working as the Chilliwack School District Librarian from 1962 to 1969, she bought books and organized the District's Elementary Schools' Libraries. Jacob Krause, former president of the Yarrow Grower's Co-op, encouraged her to write Yarrow: A Portrait in Mosaic. This book sold more than 1500 copies in the first six months after publication in 1976. A revised edition was published in 1980. Beginning in 1993, she spent three years organizing the library of the Christian College in St. Petersburg, Russia, cataloguing over 12,000 books.
Chilliwack High School, 1900 - 1935
Colours ................. Blue and Gold
Motto .......... Ad summum nitamur
One-a-zecka! Two-a-zecka!
Sis! Boom! Bah!
Chilliwacka! Chilliwacka!
Rah! Rah! Rah!
Three-a-zecka Four-a-zecka!
Blue and Gold!
Sapientes homines brave and bold.
The C.H.S.! The C.H.S.! The C.H.S.S.S.!
A Brief History of Chilliwack High School by Agatha Klassen
The first High School in Chilliwack was unofficially organized in the second storey of a department store at Five Corners in downtown Chilliwack. The Chilliwack High School was officially organized on August 24, 1903 with 25 students enrolled. Dr. D. G. Little of Vancouver was principal and teacher. The first school was held in a house on Mill Street, later the site of the home of Dr. Robert McCaffrey.
In 1904, with the aid of the Department of Education, Chilliwack built a two-room high school which later became the Central School Annex. This structure was torn down in 1950. Chilliwack High School was the eighth high school in the province, and it had an enrollment of 32.
In 1906, Mr. Morrison joined Dr. Little and the following year Dr. Fraser joined the staff.
Plans were laid in 1911 for a new school capable of handling 200 students and the following year the "brick building" of Chilliwack High School on the south side of Yale Road was officially opened. Originally, there was also a stable on the south-east corner of the soccer field for students' horses.
The years following World War I were spent in collecting funds for a new gymnasium which was completed in 1929.
The basement of the brick building was used for elementary classes during 1926-27. During 1935 to 1938, grade IX moved to Central School.
With increased enrollment, in 1938 a new high school building was constructed adjacent to the brick building, and in 1940 the gymnasium was altered to a two-storey construction.
After a fire in 1944 partially destroyed the Chilliwack Junior-Senior High School, the school was reconstructed. Fire again struck in 1949, this time destroying the metal shop housed in a separate building. When this shop was reconstructed it was built on the west end of the school.
The year 1950 witnessed the completion of the new Chilliwack Senior High School. Grades 7 and 8 remained in the older structure and became known as the Chilliwack Junior High School, while grades 9 and above moved to the new building to the north across Yale Road. It was not however, until the spring of 1952 that, with the completion of the Senior High School gymnasium that the new building was officially opened.
Principals of Chilliwack High School CHS
Organized Aug 1903
Jan 1906 - Dec 1906
Jan 1907 -
Jan 1916 - June 1917
Sept 1917 - June 1919
Sept 1919 - June 1921
Sept 1921 - Apr 1931
April 1931 - June 1931
Sept 1931 - June 1934
Sept 1934 - June 1935
Sept 1935 - June 1938
Sept 1938 - June 1939
Sept 1939 - June 1944
Sept 1944 - June 1950
Little, D. C.
Morrison, J.
Fraser, W. R.
Marr, J.
Lock, E. H.
Fraser, H. C.
Woodworth, V.
How, Miss M. W.
Etter, H. C.
How, Miss M. W.
MacDonald, A. T. M.
Phillips, G. I.
McGuire, C.
Graham, G. W.
Principals of Chilliwack Senior Secondary School CSSS
Sept 1950 - June 1955
Sept 1955 - June 1977
Sept 1977 - June 1983
Sept 1983 -
Harford, Barry
Halcrow, J. Y.
Neumann, J.
Dornbierer, E.
1903 - Chilliwack High School in a house on Mill Street,
which belonged to Dr. Robert McGaffrey
1904 - Chilliwack's first high school was built
at the intersection of College and Young Streets
Opened at Easter of 1904, the building has long
since been demolished.
Public Schools Report — 1903-1904
Chilliwack, September 10, 1910
Alex. Robinson, Esq.,
Superintendent of Education
Sir, — I beg to submit to you my report of Chilliwack High School for the academic year 1903-1904.
The school was opened for the admission of pupils on the 24th of August, 1903. Owing to the High School building not being completed, we occupied a private dwelling from the beginning of the Autumn term until Easter of the following year.
The building erected by the Department for High School purposes is very commodious and contains two excellent class-rooms. The attendance during the year reached 32, but as this is an agricultural valley, many of these left in the Spring to work on the farm.
The work of the year was very pleasant and the utmost harmony prevailed between pupils and teacher. The pupils worked with a will, and, although the work of two years was taken one, our efforts were rewarded with success at the examinations. Two candidates presented themselves for the Intermediate Examination and both were successful. In the Junior Class, 16 wrote and 8 were successful.
A feature worthy of mention is the marked interest taken in the High School by the people of the valley. They feel that the great expense in keeping their children at other High Schools is now at an end. The Board of Trustees was very active in promoting the interest of the High School and put forth every effort in its behalf.
D. C. Little, "Principal"
1912 - September 3 - The corner stone of the new Chilliwack High School (Brick Building) well and truly laid by Sir Richard McBride, Premier of British Columbia.
Approximately 2,000 people attended the ceremony, with 800 school children from valley schools. The Premier and his party were driven in automobiles attended by six mounted boy scouts.
— — — The Chilliwack Progress, Wednesday, September 4, 1912 — — —
A Peaceful Scene on a Peaceful Day, Made Pleasant by the Attendance of Thousands
Sir Richard McBride, Premier of British Columbia, Attends
The corner stone of Chilliwack's new high school was well and truly laid yesterday afternoon by Sir Richard McBride, Premier of British Columbia, in the presence of fully two thousand of the citizens of the city and valley. Eight hundred of this number were children from the schools of the district of Chilliwack who, marshalled under their respective teachers, presented a very pretty sight indeed as the were formed up in solid square in from of the foundation of the massive building that is soon to become the future higher seat of learning for the rising generations of Chilliwack. This sight was further enhanced as they sang the Maple Leaf Forever and waved miniature Union Jacks and gave cheers for their premier and the others on the platform.
The laying of the corner stone of the high school may truly be counted one of the events in the history of Chilliwack. It marks the epoch from which the people of this valley may date their expansion into the world of higher education, and it was fittingly commemorated by the attendance of many of the men holding high positions in the gift of the Dominion and the Province. Among those attending and honored with positions of the platform were: Sir Richard McBride, Premier of British Columbia; Mr. J.D. Taylor, Member of the House of Commons of Canada; Speaker Eberts of the Provincial Legislature of British Columbia; Mr. Manson, M.P.P. for Dewdney; Mr. Gifford, M.P.P. for New Westminster; Mr. F. Mackenzie, M.P.P. for Delta; Mr. Pearson Shaw, M.P.P. for Kamloops; Mr. Fletcher, Government Agent for New Westminster; Mr. J. Cambridge, Country Court Registrar, and Mr. Glover, Assistant General Manager of the B.C.E.R. Others on the platform consisted of members of the township and city school boards; members of the
city and township councils; representatives of the high school staff and members of the press. Previous to the arrival of the crowd at the high school building a procession of the school children was formed, headed by the band. The line of march was from the public school along Westminster street to the new school grounds. The premier and his party were driven in automobiles and a mounted escort of six boy scouts attended. Stirring addresses were made by H. J. Barber, chairman of the school board; Mr. J. D. Taylor, M.P.P.; Speaker Eberts, Sir Richard McBride. The Rev. A. E. Roberts invoked the Divine blessing on the work undertaken. The speeches of all were a flattering and complimentary nature to the progress made in school legislature throughout the province and in school work in the valley. They were full of hope for the future and stirring with loyalty and patriotism.
The trowel with which the premier executed the memorable work was the gift of Mr. Barber, chairman of the city school board. His little son, Jack, made the presentation in his pretty little childlike manner, which elicited the smile of Sir Richard and the admiration of the audience. It was suitably inscribed and will be one of the souvenirs to remind the premier of his one peaceful visit to a peaceful land.
At the conclusion of the ceremonies at the grounds an adjournment was made to the Empress Hotel for luncheon, representatives of the board of Trade and the councils being invited to join with the visiting party.
The return of the party to New Westminster was made by a special train about 5 o'clock.
Chilliwack High School — 1912 |
In 1912 Chilliwack High School's brick building was constructed on the southeast corner of Yale and Charles Streets.
It was a distinguished building of grey and pink brick with a trapezoidal roof sloping at the edges to a high flat top. The major part of the exterior was grey relieved by pink borders under and between the windows. Centering the roof over the main entrance was a raised, bell-shaped decoration of deeper pink. The same design was repeated at either end of the roof.
The 1912 school was a two-storey structure complete with basement. There were eight classrooms, a principal's office, and separate staffrooms for men and women. The principal's office was on the first floor near the front doors. The men's staffroom was across the hall. The ladies' staffroom was upstairs. Students' washrooms, the furnace room, etc. were in the basement.
At the back of the classrooms were full length cloakrooms with clothes hooks for coats. There were also shelves for lunches and extra books.
Desks lined the walls of the upstairs halls. These served as "study carrels" and it was also a "social centre" for students at times. Since there was no gymnasium or auditorium, the school halls were used for club meetings and social activities.
In 1922 the Literary Society read the first had-written copies of the Tatler to students assembled in the upstairs hall. The 1925 graduation banquet was held in the lower hall.
The brick building enjoyed a beautiful setting. There was a large front lawn surrounded by a boxwood hedge and at the western edge of the building (nearest town) a tennis court. On the street in front of the double front doors stood two squared pillars of pink and grey. A cast-iron gate joined the posts.
Corner Stone
The corner stone of the building was placed by the premier of B.C., Honourable Richard McBride, September 4, 1912.
The plaque was set into the building at the front west corner by the basement windows.
The plaque was eroded over the years and eventually obliterated, perhaps by an over-zealous workman at the time when the significance of historic buildings had less meaning. However, it is believed the stone's inscription read something like this:
Chilliwack High School 1912 Placed by Hon. Richard McBride
Chilliwack Progress, May 28, 1913
New High School is now Opened
After almost ten months from the time of beginning construction the teachers and pupils of the Chilliwack High School were able to exchange their old building for their brand new one. The march past of the teachers and their pupils was made on Wednesday and a proud, satisfied bunch they were too. And well they might be. If a substantially constructed, fire-proof, modernly equipped building, situated in beautiful surroundings can make teachers and pupils proud, the new High School of Chilliwack has all qualifications for it. This new structure occupies a strategical as well as a commanding position on the corner of Charles Street and Westminster Avenue. It is situated on the corner of a beautiful three and one-half acre block of the old Henry Kipp Property. In the streets angle a grove of beautiful cherry trees which furnish shade for the hot days and at the same time bears the most luscious of fruits in their season.
Chilliwack High School — 1914 |
Chilliwack High School Grads
Aubrey Roberts, Dr. Geo. Roberts, Nellie Munro, Florence Whitworth, Alice Rogers, Cassie Bailey, Cora Minkler, Marjorie Tait, Mrs. Oliver Evans, Alice Taylor (Dunn), Evelyn Newby (Barr), and others.
Chilliwack Progress, July 23, 1914
Remarkable Record Made by Chilliwack High School
Newspaper Article Courtesy of Esther Harder
Chilliwack High School — 1916 |
Chilliwack High School Grads
Hamlin Bucher, _____, _____, ? McLeod, Russell Suton, Arthur Cartmell, Orville Boucher,
Len Stacey, Dan Coote, Hamish Ewen, Gerald Gervan, J. Hutcheson, Aubrey Roberts, Hamilton Berbick,
Eva Crankshaw, Audrey Downey, Margaret Bell, Margery Lucas, Grace Gervan, Heather Burton, Ella Grahan,
Ivy Davis, Marion Sleightholm, Minnie McIntyre, Gladys Clarkson, Orpha McKenzie, Clarice Glanville, Stella Semple,
Bernice Grooms, Shannon McManus, Georgina McManus, Hilda Eaton, Hattie Midgley, Frances Mercer, Eva Orr
Chilliwack High School — First Agriculture Class
L. to R.: Harold Stringer, Arnold Putnam, Bernetta Keith, Mrs. Fred Parker, Vina Bradwin (Bartindale), J.C. Ready (Teacher), John Marr (Principal), Laura Hunter, Jennie Thompson, Annie Fetterly, _____, Reece Galloway, Ted Barton (later Veterinarian)
Chilliwack High School Class — Not Grads |
C.H.S. Vistors' Book |
Chilliwack High School — 1917 |
Chilliwack High School — Grads
Back Row: Reg Harrison, Annie Fetterly, John Marr (Principal), Miss Etta Yuill (Teacher), Victor Woodworth (Teacher), Lila Hardy, Fred English, Vina Bradwin (Bartindale)
Front Row: Verna Monkhouse, Lawrence Hocking, Vivian Newby, Harold Stringer, Viva Eckert, Arnold Putnam, Vera Morden, Stanley Henderson, Jennie Thompson
Chilliwack High School — Senior Matric Grads
Fourth Row: Muriel Walker, Eva Evans Leon Manuel, _____, Wm. Cameron, Marjorie Archibald, Robert Muir, Beatrice Rogers, Florence Bell
Third Row: Stanley Henderson, Charlotte Spicer, Ewert Eckert, Edrie Boucher, Harry Fulton, Sybil Ashwell, Charlie Malcom, Francis Stringer, Clarence Wells, Ethel Green
Second Row: Alma Fetterly, Alta Atkinson, Marion Malott, Mr. V. Woodworth, Miss Olive Switzer, Mr. McLachlan, Miss E.G. Cameron, Mr. J.C. Ready, Lena Halpenny, Olive Nichols
Front Row: Charles Barton, Mabel Kipp, Lyle Atkinson, Lillian Simpson, Theodore Currie, Charles Davies, Jean Reeves, Dwight Mariot
Chilliwack High School — 1919 |
Chilliwack High School — Grads Girls
Third Row: Beatrice Rogers, Miss E. G. Cameron, Charlotte Spicer, Miss Olive Switzer, Jean Reeves
Second Row: ______, Florence Bell, Alta Atkinson, Edrie Boucher, Sybil Ashwell, Frances Stringer, Marjorie Archibald, Eva Evans
First Row: Ethel Green, Alma Fetterly, Mario Malott, Mabel Kipp, Lillian Simpson, Irna Halpenny, Muriel Walker, Olive Nichols
Chilliwack High School — Senior Matriculation Grads
Second Row: Wm. Cameron, Clarence Wells, Robert Muir, Leon Manuel, Charles Davies, Harry Fulton, Louis Eckert, Dwight Mariot, Lyle Atkinson
Front Row: Theodore Currie, Stanley Henderson, Mr. V. Woodworth, Mr. McLachlan, Mr. J. C. Ready, Charles Malcom, Charles Barton
Chilliwack High School — 1921 |
CHS Intermediate Soccer Squad — 1920-21
Chilliwack High School — 1922 |
CHS Student Council — 1921-22
W. Cusack, A. Hasler, R. Newby, Principal V. Woodworth, R. Richardson, H. Burton, S. Cusack
T. Richardson, I. Richardson, S. Rogers, I. Woodworth, L. McCutsheon, E. Auld
CHS Literary Society Committee — 1921-22
W. Street, H. McDonald, J. Thompson, Corday B. Mackay
CHS Girls Basketball Team — 1921-22
D. Blackwell (left forward), L. Ashwell (Coach), I. Richardson (right forward)
L. Boucher (left guard), H. Jackson (Centre and Captain), I. Woodworth (right forward)
CHS Boys Basketball Team — 1921-22
S. Cusack, J. E. Sager (Coach), _____
W. Graham, R. Newby, H. MacDonald
Response by Nan Denshan to Agatha Klassen's Questioner |
The Chilliwack High School Newspaper The Tatler Founded in 1922
The first paper produced in CHS was the Tatler. It was handwritten in ink on several pieces of foolscap held together by a metal paper fastener.
It would have been difficult to provide copies for all the students, so everyone assembled in the upper hall of the brick building for a meeting of the Literary Society.
The Tattler was then read aloud. It included poems, essays and news and views of the school.
In about 1922, Miss Jean MacNaughton came to Chilliwack to teach English. It is believed that Miss MacNaughton was associated with the first edition of the paper.
Unfortunately, copies of these handwritten Tatlers were inadvertently lost in about 1948.
By 1927, mimeographed copies of the Tatler were published and sold to the students and the public for 5 cents a copy.
CHS Tatler Editors
1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938-39 1939-40 1940-41
1941-42 1942-43 1943-44 1944-45 1945-46 1946-47 1947-48 1948-49 1949-50 1950-51
Edwin Larden - Also Annual Editor
Lip McCutcheon - Also Annual Editor
Elsie Auld - Also Annual Editor
Neill McGregor; Farley Dickinson
— may not have been published
— may not have been published
J. Graham; Leslie Barber
Adeline Graham (Mrs. Russel Osborne)
Adeline Graham
Lillian Thiemer (Mrs. Maurice Hickman)
Evelyn Kendall
Lucy Tranmer
Stan Johnson
Joyce Kerr
Don Delong
Lois Dickinson; Bernice Hall
Catherine Robertson
Catherine Robertson
Nancy Cameron
Joan Gibson; Joan Weeden
Myrna MacNeil
The Origin of the Name "Tatler"
The "Tatler" was a periodical produced in England from 1709-1711 by Sir Richard Steele. The politician and author Joseph Addison also contributed to the Tatler. He was a very patriotic individual who wrote a poem on the Battle of Blenheim. His essays were intended to improve manners and morals, and to develop an interest in Culture and Literature. He also wanted to make Science and Philosophy more popular. He wrote with wit and charm. Cartoons of representative English characters were used in one paper. All in all, The Tatler seems to have been an excellent choice for the name of the first school paper in Chilliwack.
Chilliwack High School — 1924 |
The Staff
J. E. Sager, C.B. Mackay, J. C. Readey, M. W. How
K. N. M. O'Meara, V. Woodworth, J. L. MacNaughton
Student Council
N. McGregor, E. Denike, W. Sucack, D. Thompson, F. Dickinson, C. Fox
G. McCutcheon, B. Hall, Principal Woodworth, D. Bush
Annual Editorial Staff
Clara Maitland, Dean Goard, Elsie Auld, Allan Broe, A. Currie, Margaret Smith
Irene Woodworth, Austin Wrinch, Miss Mackay, Dorothy Davies,Oliver Wells, Ruth Densham
CHS Graduates - 1924
I hate to see you go !
Ends our three years together thus ?
Must all be summed up so?
But to be swept away from us?
I hate to see you go !
I hoped you would not go —
And sought with bonds of joy to bind,
Or make the wheel of time turn slow;
A vain desire of selfish mind,
For you, of course, must go.
If, then, I let you go,
Remember me in years to come; ;
And in the hours when memories glow.
Look back and love me some —
And so I'll let you go.
And thus I let you go.
the river of life gleams brightly on;
Up towards its source thy shallop row;
Onward to fight with friend ' gainst foe —
And thus I let you go.
D. K. Davies
Senior Football Team
Standing: Rev. H. R. Ragg, M. Minor, W. Cusack, J. Hulbert, A. Wrinch, E. Green, V. Woodworth
Seated: E. Roberts, E Nowell, O. Wells (Captain), A. Courteney, O. Richmond
On Ground: L. Cusack, H. Henderson
Debating Team
Back Row: B. Walters, C. Auld, J. Hulbert, A. Broe, F. Dickinson
Middle Row: M. Pelly, S. Collier, J. Goard, A. Currie, D. Thompson, E. Robinson, D. Wilson, D. Keenlyside
Front Row: M. Smith, M. Lyle, G. Grossman, K. How, H. Bonnycastle, D. Bush, E. Higginson, M. Smith, C. Maitland
Senior Orchestra
Left to Right: Beryl Banford, Ethel Robinson, Ethel Rogers, Marion Banks, Edna Day, Elva Denike, Gwennie McCutcheon, John Hulbert, Mr. J. P. Humphreys (Conductor)
'Spirits and Spooks'
Left to Right: Leonard Higginson, Wilbur Cusack, Austin Wrinch, Ernest Roberts, Gordon Fox, John Hulbert
Response by Kathleen Neal to Agatha Klassen's Questioner |
Chilliwack High School — 1925 |
Grade Eleven Class
Chilliwack High School — 1926 |
Graduating Class
Back Row: Helen Bonnycastle, Norman Skelton, Menotah Gilbert, Agnes Fetterly, Charlie Semerad, Dora Bush
Front Row: Olive Grant, Farley Dickinson, D. Keenleyside, Murdo MacLauchlan, Evelyn Cole, Neill MacGregor, Helen MacBean
Chilliwack High School — 1927 |
Senior Matric Picnic
Girls: _____, Helen McBain, _____, Miss O'Meara, H. Bonnycastle, Dora Bush, _____
Boys: Murdo MacLachlan, _____, Farley Dickinson
Response by Rebecca Travis Stevens to Agatha Klassen's Questioner |
Chilliwack High School — 1932 |
Graduating Class
Back Row: Bill Grand, Charlie Evans, Willard Johnston, Ralph Marsh, Williamson Walkem
Third Row: Thelma McGregor, Edith Higginson, Vernita McKay, Carolyn Hardy, Dora Doherty, Edythe Dixon, Marion MacDonelle, Ruth Harvey
Second Row: Ruby Hayles, Marion Sether, Norah Johnstone, Dot Ryan, Margaret Richardson
First Row: Bernice Wildman, Emily McConnel, Phyllis Badendale, Wilma Duesterhoeft, Gene Patriquin, Marion Lewis, Mary Kerr
Senior Matric Class
Chilliwack High School — 1933 |
C.H.S. Soccer Team
Student Register
The Tatler, June 1933 |




CHS Tatler Courtesy of Cheryl (Bigmore) Birch
Daughter of Margaret Maitland (CHS Student in 1933)
Chilliwack High School — 1934 |
Senior Matric Class
Back Row: Walter Ferguson, Tommy Holden, Maitland MacDonald, Wilfred Burgess
Middle Row: Norman Fowler, Ward Kelly, Russel Osborne, Albert Swanson, Roy Shaw, Cecil Robinson, Lyle Henderson, Charlie Currie, Miss How
Front Row: Annie Lippe, Helen McFee, Katherine Foster, Mardy McKenzie, Eileen Jones, Lorna Pearson
Chilliwack High School — 1935 |
Boys Basketball Team