Edited by Esther Epp Harder, Edwin Lenzmann, and Elmer Wiens
Yarrow Homes and Buildings
Yarrow Station at Wilson Road and Majuba Hill
1928: Central Road looking east ... Note the cow path that leads to a common pasture.
1928: Central Road looking east
1928: Peter & Liese Berg home on Central Road, was first house built in Yarrow
1928: Eckert Road home of Jacob G. Epp family. The wood for this home and three others was ordered
from a catalogue and was shipped by boxcar to Yarrow by the BCE Railway. The boxcar was "spotted" near
the Yarrow station on Wilson Road. All the wood was mixed up, packed so it it would all fit into the boxcar.
It took a few trips by horses and wagon to get the right pieces to the right place.
Canadian Pacific Railways Prefab Buildings
1928: Jacob C. Krause family home on Eckert Road
1928: George Hooge home on Eckert Road, next to right is the Petrus Martens home
Yarrow Central Road Looking East in 1929 1007 Central Road Background Left: Gerhard Derksen's 1012 Central Road Foreground Right: Peter Tiessen's, Corney Langemann's, Wilhelm Martens', & Katie Wiens'
Photograph Courtesy of Agatha Klassen
1940's: Central Road looking west. Right: Jake Derksen's Texaco Station, Gerhard Derksen home behind it;
Heinrich Harms home & barn, MB Church & Elim Bible School.
Left: Derksen's Lumber Yard
1940: Home of Jake & Susie Derksen on Central Road Yarrow