Helena Voth Neufeld
Helena Voth Neufeld was born April 10 1874 at Klippenfeld, Molotschna Russia. She was baptized - May 17, 1890 Bingfield, Minnesota. Helena married Peter H. Neufeld in Bingfield, Minnesota. She died October 29, 1943 in Yarrow and was buried in Yarrow BC cemetery on November 1, 1943.
Helena's parents were Rev. Mrs. Heinrich Voth who was the first MB missionaries in Winkler, Manitoba, before emigrating to Minnesota in 1876.
Heinrich Voth and his wife, Sara (Kornelson), had lived in the village of Klippenfeld in the Molotschna Colony in Ukraine.
He was a teacher in Russia, but devoted his energy to the development of his 40-acre farm after relocating to their new home in the United States.
Rev and Mrs. Heinrich Voth were the first MB missionaries in Manitoba.
His family of nine children was of great importance to him. Although Voth was often away from home because of his ministry, he continued to enjoy a warm and close relationship with his family. Rev. Voth had experienced a dramatic conversion while employed as a village teacher in Russia.
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This picture of the Heinrich Voth family was taken in 1916 at Bingham Lake, Minnesota. Peter H & Helen (Voth) Neufeld are both on this photo as are their children.